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Health Checks

Health Checks for FSM

1 - Configure Health Probes

How FSM handles application health probes work and what to do if they fail


Implementing health probes in your application is a great way for Kubernetes to automate some tasks to improve availability in the event of an error.

Because FSM reconfigures application Pods to redirect all incoming and outgoing network traffic through the proxy sidecar, httpGet and tcpSocket health probes invoked by the kubelet will fail due to the lack of any mTLS context required by the proxy.

For httpGet health probes to continue to work as expected from within the mesh, FSM adds configuration to expose the probe endpoint via the proxy and rewrites the probe definitions for new Pods to refer to the proxy-exposed endpoint. All of the functionality of the original probe is still used, FSM simply fronts it with the proxy so the kubelet can communicate with it.

Special configuration is required to support tcpSocket health probes in the mesh. Since FSM redirects all network traffic through Pipy, all ports appear open in the Pod. This causes all TCP connections routed to Pod’s injected with an Pipy sidecar to appear successful. For tcpSocket health probes to work as expected in the mesh, FSM rewrites the probes to be httpGet probes and adds an iptables command to bypass the Pipy proxy at the fsm-healthcheck exposed endpoint. The fsm-healthcheck container is added to the Pod and handles the HTTP health probe requests from kubelet. The handler gets the original TCP port from the request’s Original-Tcp-port header and attempts to open a socket on the specified port. The response status code for the httpGet probe will reflect if the TCP connection was successful.


For HTTP and tcpSocket probes, the port and path are modified. For HTTPS probes, the port is modified, but the path is left unchanged.

Only predefined httpGet and tcpSocket probes are modified. If a probe is undefined, one will not be added in its place. exec probes (including those using grpc_health_probe) are never modified and will continue to function as expected as long as the command does not require network access outside of localhost.


The following examples show how FSM handles health probes for Pods in a mesh.


Consider a Pod spec defining a container with the following livenessProbe:

    path: /liveness
    port: 14001
    scheme: HTTP

When the Pod is created, FSM will modify the probe to be the following:

    path: /fsm-liveness-probe
    port: 15901
    scheme: HTTP

The Pod’s proxy will contain the following Pipy configuration.

An Pipy cluster which maps to the original probe port 14001:

  "Probes": {
      "ReadinessProbes": null,
      "LivenessProbes": [
          "httpGet": {
            "path": "/fsm-liveness-probe",
            "port": 15901,
            "scheme": "HTTP"
          "timeoutSeconds": 1,
          "periodSeconds": 10,
          "successThreshold": 1,
          "failureThreshold": 3
      "StartupProbes": null

A listener for the new proxy-exposed HTTP endpoint at /fsm-liveness-probe on port 15901 mapping to the cluster above:

.listen(probeScheme ? 15901 : 0)
  'http_liveness', () => probeScheme === 'HTTP',
  'connection_liveness', () => Boolean(probeTarget),


Consider a Pod spec defining a container with the following livenessProbe:

    port: 14001

When the Pod is created, FSM will modify the probe to be the following:

    - name: Original-Tcp-Port
      value: "14001"
    path: /fsm-healthcheck
    port: 15904
    scheme: HTTP

Requests to port 15904 bypass the Pipy proxy and are directed to the fsm-healthcheck endpoint.

How to Verify Health of Pods in the Mesh

Kubernetes will automatically poll the health endpoints of Pods configured with startup, liveness, and readiness probes.

When a startup probe fails, Kubernetes will generate an Event (visible by kubectl describe pod <pod name>) and restart the Pod. The kubectl describe output may look like this:

  Type     Reason     Age              From               Message
  ----     ------     ----             ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled  17s              default-scheduler  Successfully assigned bookstore/bookstore-v1-699c79b9dc-5g8zn to fsm-control-plane
  Normal   Pulled     16s              kubelet            Successfully pulled image "flomesh/init:latest-main" in 26.5835ms
  Normal   Created    16s              kubelet            Created container fsm-init
  Normal   Started    16s              kubelet            Started container fsm-init
  Normal   Pulling    16s              kubelet            Pulling image "flomesh/init:latest-main"
  Normal   Pulling    15s              kubelet            Pulling image "flomesh/pipy:0.5.0"
  Normal   Pulling    15s              kubelet            Pulling image "flomesh/bookstore:latest-main"
  Normal   Pulled     15s              kubelet            Successfully pulled image "flomesh/bookstore:latest-main" in 319.9863ms
  Normal   Started    15s              kubelet            Started container bookstore-v1
  Normal   Created    15s              kubelet            Created container bookstore-v1
  Normal   Pulled     14s              kubelet            Successfully pulled image "flomesh/pipy:0.5.0" in 755.2666ms
  Normal   Created    14s              kubelet            Created container pipy
  Normal   Started    14s              kubelet            Started container pipy
  Warning  Unhealthy  13s              kubelet            Startup probe failed: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
  Warning  Unhealthy  3s (x2 over 8s)  kubelet            Startup probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 503

When a liveness probe fails, Kubernetes will generate an Event (visible by kubectl describe pod <pod name>) and restart the Pod. The kubectl describe output may look like this:

  Type     Reason     Age                From               Message
  ----     ------     ----               ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled  59s                default-scheduler  Successfully assigned bookstore/bookstore-v1-746977967c-jqjt4 to fsm-control-plane
  Normal   Pulling    58s                kubelet            Pulling image "flomesh/init:latest-main"
  Normal   Created    58s                kubelet            Created container fsm-init
  Normal   Started    58s                kubelet            Started container fsm-init
  Normal   Pulled     58s                kubelet            Successfully pulled image "flomesh/init:latest-main" in 23.415ms
  Normal   Pulled     57s                kubelet            Successfully pulled image "flomesh/pipy:0.5.0" in 678.1391ms
  Normal   Pulled     57s                kubelet            Successfully pulled image "flomesh/bookstore:latest-main" in 230.3681ms
  Normal   Created    57s                kubelet            Created container pipy
  Normal   Pulling    57s                kubelet            Pulling image "flomesh/pipy:0.5.0"
  Normal   Started    56s                kubelet            Started container pipy
  Normal   Pulled     44s                kubelet            Successfully pulled image "flomesh/bookstore:latest-main" in 20.6731ms
  Normal   Created    44s (x2 over 57s)  kubelet            Created container bookstore-v1
  Normal   Started    43s (x2 over 57s)  kubelet            Started container bookstore-v1
  Normal   Pulling    32s (x3 over 58s)  kubelet            Pulling image "flomesh/bookstore:latest-main"
  Warning  Unhealthy  32s (x6 over 50s)  kubelet            Liveness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 503
  Normal   Killing    32s (x2 over 44s)  kubelet            Container bookstore-v1 failed liveness probe, will be restarted

When a readiness probe fails, Kubernetes will generate an Event (visible with kubectl describe pod <pod name>) and ensure no traffic destined for Services the Pod may be backing is routed to the unhealthy Pod. The kubectl describe output for a Pod with a failing readiness probe may look like this:

  Type     Reason     Age               From               Message
  ----     ------     ----              ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled  32s               default-scheduler  Successfully assigned bookstore/bookstore-v1-5848999cb6-hp6qg to fsm-control-plane
  Normal   Pulling    31s               kubelet            Pulling image "flomesh/init:latest-main"
  Normal   Pulled     31s               kubelet            Successfully pulled image "flomesh/init:latest-main" in 19.8726ms
  Normal   Created    31s               kubelet            Created container fsm-init
  Normal   Started    31s               kubelet            Started container fsm-init
  Normal   Created    30s               kubelet            Created container bookstore-v1
  Normal   Pulled     30s               kubelet            Successfully pulled image "flomesh/bookstore:latest-main" in 314.3628ms
  Normal   Pulling    30s               kubelet            Pulling image "flomesh/bookstore:latest-main"
  Normal   Started    30s               kubelet            Started container bookstore-v1
  Normal   Pulling    30s               kubelet            Pulling image "flomesh/pipy:0.5.0"
  Normal   Pulled     29s               kubelet            Successfully pulled image "flomesh/pipy:0.5.0" in 739.3931ms
  Normal   Created    29s               kubelet            Created container pipy
  Normal   Started    29s               kubelet            Started container pipy
  Warning  Unhealthy  0s (x3 over 20s)  kubelet            Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 503

The Pod’s status will also indicate that it is not ready which is shown in its kubectl get pod output. For example:

NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
bookstore-v1-5848999cb6-hp6qg   1/2     Running   0          85s

The Pods’ health probes may also be invoked manually by forwarding the Pod’s necessary port and using curl or any other HTTP client to issue requests. For example, to verify the liveness probe for the bookstore-v1 demo Pod, forward port 15901:

kubectl port-forward -n bookstore deployment/bookstore-v1 15901

Then, in a separate terminal instance, curl may be used to check the endpoint. The following example shows a healthy bookstore-v1:

curl -i localhost:15901/fsm-liveness-probe
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
date: Wed, 31 Mar 2021 16:00:01 GMT
content-length: 1396
content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
x-pipy-upstream-service-time: 1
server: pipy

<!doctype html>
<html itemscope="" itemtype="" lang="en">

Known issues


If any health probes are consistently failing, perform the following steps to identify the root cause:

  1. Verify httpGet and tcpSocket probes on Pods in the mesh have been modified.

    Startup, liveness, and readiness httpGet probes must be modified by FSM in order to continue to function while in a mesh. Ports must be modified to 15901, 15902, and 15903 for liveness, readiness, and startup httpGet probes, respectively. Only HTTP (not HTTPS) probes will have paths modified in addition to be /fsm-liveness-probe, /fsm-readiness-probe, or /fsm-startup-probe.

    Also, verify the Pod’s Pipy configuration contains a listener for the modified endpoint.

    For tcpSocket probes to function in the mesh, they must be rewritten to httpGet probes. The ports must be modified to 15904 for liveness, readiness, and startup probes. The path the must be set to /fsm-healthcheck. A HTTP header, Original-Tcp-Port, must be set to the original port specified in the tcpSocket probe definition. Also, verify that the fsm-healthcheck container is running. Inspect the fsm-healthcheck logs for more information.

    See the examples above for more details.

  2. Determine if Kubernetes encountered any other errors while scheduling or starting the Pod.

    Look for any errors that may have recently occurred with kubectl describe of the unhealthy Pod. Resolve any errors and verify the Pod’s health again.

  3. Determine if the Pod encountered a runtime error.

    Look for any errors that may have occurred after the container started by inspecting its logs with kubectl logs. Resolve any errors and verify the Pod’s health again.

2 - FSM Control Plane Health Probes

How FSM’s health probes work and what to do if they fail

FSM control plane components leverage health probes to communicate their overall status. Health probes are implemented as HTTP endpoints which respond to requests with HTTP status codes indicating success or failure.

Kubernetes uses these probes to communicate the status of the control plane Pods’ statuses and perform some actions automatically to improve availability. More details about Kubernetes probes can be found here.

FSM Components with Probes

The following FSM control plane components have health probes:


The following HTTP endpoints are available on fsm-controller on port 9091:

  • /health/alive: HTTP 200 response code indicates FSM’s Aggregated Discovery Service (ADS) is running. No response is sent when the service is not yet running.

  • /health/ready: HTTP 200 response code indicates ADS is ready to accept gRPC connections from proxies. HTTP 503 or no response indicates gRPC connections from proxies will not be successful.


The following HTTP endpoints are available on fsm-injector on port 9090:

  • /healthz: HTTP 200 response code indicates the injector is ready to inject new Pods with proxy sidecar containers. No response is sent otherwise.

How to Verify FSM Health

Because FSM’s Kubernetes resources are configured with liveness and readiness probes, Kubernetes will automatically poll the health endpoints on the fsm-controller and fsm-injector Pods.

When a liveness probe fails, Kubernetes will generate an Event (visible by kubectl describe pod <pod name>) and restart the Pod. The kubectl describe output may look like this:

  Type     Reason     Age               From               Message
  ----     ------     ----              ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled  24s               default-scheduler  Successfully assigned fsm-system/fsm-controller-85fcb445b-fpv8l to fsm-control-plane
  Normal   Pulling    23s               kubelet            Pulling image "flomesh/fsm-controller:v0.8.0"
  Normal   Pulled     23s               kubelet            Successfully pulled image "flomesh/fsm-controller:v0.8.0" in 562.2444ms
  Normal   Created    1s (x2 over 23s)  kubelet            Created container fsm-controller
  Normal   Started    1s (x2 over 23s)  kubelet            Started container fsm-controller
  Warning  Unhealthy  1s (x3 over 21s)  kubelet            Liveness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 503
  Normal   Killing    1s                kubelet            Container fsm-controller failed liveness probe, will be restarted

When a readiness probe fails, Kubernetes will generate an Event (visible with kubectl describe pod <pod name>) and ensure no traffic destined for Services the Pod may be backing is routed to the unhealthy Pod. The kubectl describe output for a Pod with a failing readiness probe may look like this:

  Type     Reason     Age               From               Message
  ----     ------     ----              ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled  36s               default-scheduler  Successfully assigned fsm-system/fsm-controller-5494bcffb6-tn5jv to fsm-control-plane
  Normal   Pulling    36s               kubelet            Pulling image "flomesh/fsm-controller:latest"
  Normal   Pulled     35s               kubelet            Successfully pulled image "flomesh/fsm-controller:v0.8.0" in 746.4323ms
  Normal   Created    35s               kubelet            Created container fsm-controller
  Normal   Started    35s               kubelet            Started container fsm-controller
  Warning  Unhealthy  4s (x3 over 24s)  kubelet            Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 503

The Pod’s status will also indicate that it is not ready which is shown in its kubectl get pod output. For example:

NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
fsm-controller-5494bcffb6-tn5jv   0/1     Running   0          26s

The Pods’ health probes may also be invoked manually by forwarding the Pod’s necessary port and using curl or any other HTTP client to issue requests. For example, to verify the liveness probe for fsm-controller, get the Pod’s name and forward port 9091:

# Assuming FSM is installed in the fsm-system namespace
kubectl port-forward -n fsm-system $(kubectl get pods -n fsm-system -l app=fsm-controller -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') 9091

Then, in a separate terminal instance, curl may be used to check the endpoint. The following example shows a healthy fsm-controller:

curl -i localhost:9091/health/alive
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2021 20:15:29 GMT
Content-Length: 16
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Service is alive


If any health probes are consistently failing, perform the following steps to identify the root cause:

  1. Ensure the unhealthy fsm-controller or fsm-injector Pod is not running an Pipy sidecar container.

    To verify The fsm-controller Pod is not running an Pipy sidecar container, verify none of the Pod’s containers’ images is an Pipy image. Pipy images have “flomesh/pipy” in their name.

    For example, an fsm-controller Pod that includes an Pipy container:

    $ # Assuming FSM is installed in the fsm-system namespace:
    $ kubectl get pod -n fsm-system $(kubectl get pods -n fsm-system -l app=fsm-controller -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') -o jsonpath='{range .spec.containers[*]}{.image}{"\n"}{end}'

    To verify The fsm-injector Pod is not running an Pipy sidecar container, verify none of the Pod’s containers’ images is an Pipy image. Pipy images have “flomesh/pipy” in their name.

    For example, an fsm-injector Pod that includes an Pipy container:

    $ # Assuming FSM is installed in the fsm-system namespace:
    $ kubectl get pod -n fsm-system $(kubectl get pods -n fsm-system -l app=fsm-injector -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') -o jsonpath='{range .spec.containers[*]}{.image}{"\n"}{end}'

    If either Pod is running an Pipy container, it may have been injected erroneously by this or another another instance of FSM. For each mesh found with the fsm mesh list command, verify the FSM namespace of the unhealthy Pod is not listed in the fsm namespace list output with SIDECAR-INJECTION “enabled” for any FSM instance found with the fsm mesh list command.

    For example, for all of the following meshes:

    $ fsm mesh list
    fsm         fsm-system     fsm-controller-5494bcffb6-qpjdv  v0.8.0,,,
    fsm2        fsm-system-2   fsm-controller-48fd3c810d-sornc  v0.8.0,,,

    Note how fsm-system (the mesh control plane namespace) is present in the following list of namespaces:

    $ fsm namespace list --mesh-name fsm --fsm-namespace fsm-system
    fsm-system   fsm2    enabled
    bookbuyer    fsm2    enabled
    bookstore    fsm2    enabled

    If the FSM namespace is found in any fsm namespace list command with SIDECAR-INJECTION enabled, remove the namespace from the mesh injecting the sidecars. For the example above:

    $ fsm namespace remove fsm-system --mesh-name fsm2 --fsm-namespace fsm-system2
  2. Determine if Kubernetes encountered any errors while scheduling or starting the Pod.

    Look for any errors that may have recently occurred with kubectl describe of the unhealthy Pod.

    For fsm-controller:

    $ # Assuming FSM is installed in the fsm-system namespace:
    $ kubectl describe pod -n fsm-system $(kubectl get pods -n fsm-system -l app=fsm-controller -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

    For fsm-injector:

    $ # Assuming FSM is installed in the fsm-system namespace:
    $ kubectl describe pod -n fsm-system $(kubectl get pods -n fsm-system -l app=fsm-injector -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

    Resolve any errors and verify FSM’s health again.

  3. Determine if the Pod encountered a runtime error.

    Look for any errors that may have occurred after the container started by inspecting its logs. Specifically, look for any logs containing the string "level":"error".

    For fsm-controller:

    $ # Assuming FSM is installed in the fsm-system namespace:
    $ kubectl logs -n fsm-system $(kubectl get pods -n fsm-system -l app=fsm-controller -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

    For fsm-injector:

    $ # Assuming FSM is installed in the fsm-system namespace:
    $ kubectl logs -n fsm-system $(kubectl get pods -n fsm-system -l app=fsm-injector -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

    Resolve any errors and verify FSM’s health again.